Help Us Continue Our Success
The Fall River Valley Library is an independent, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization designed to support literary and educational needs of our local community. Receiving no county funding, we continue to operate and grow solely from donations of money, services and books from our community of patrons and volunteers through local fundraising efforts.
Ways to Donate and Support our Library:
Directly to FRV Library
Deliver check/cash to the FRVL Board of Directors at the Library.
Purchase an item on our Wish List
Volunteer your time, talent or service.
Remember the FRV Library in your estate planning/trust.
For more details, contact a FRVL Board Member
Online Donations
An online donation using a credit card makes supporting our library easy. Use one of these online services:
PayPal Giving Fund
Use your credit card, bank card or PayPal account.
North State Giving Tuesday
Annual fundraising event hosted by the Community Foundation of North State (CFNS) on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving.
When you Shop
At no additional cost to you, a percentage of what you purchase from these vendors will automatically* be sent to the Fall River Valley Library.
*You will need to set up a Personal Account with the vendor, then search for the Fall River Valley Library to add us to your list to support. The Library will receive a monthly or quarterly check from the vendor directly.